Learn critical thinking skills in minutes per day (or longer if you want).
Become a better thinker, writer, debater, decision maker.
Critical Thinking Cap
It fits!
Short, targeted topics and activities fit into small pockets of time.
It’s fun!
Immersive and friendly delivery guides you through without dumbing down content.
It’s free!
Register today for access to no-cost, no-hassle, no-pressure learning.
ALL LESSONS ARE FREE FOR EVERYONE. Registered users of Critical Thinking Cap can enroll in any lesson as long as they’ve completed all of the lesson’s prerequisites.
Anyone can enroll in the “How to Take this Course” and “Introduction to Arguments” lessons without having registered, but their progress within each lesson will not be tracked.
How to take this course
Learn how to navigate Critical Thinking Cap’s lessons, courses, quizzes, and website.
Introduction to arguments
Learn what arguments are, how they’re structured, and how to start analyzing them.
Introduction to fallacies
Understand, identify, and try to steer clear of some of the most pervasive (and persuasive) fallacies!
Analyzing arguments
Learn about different types of arguments and how to evaluate conclusions and premises.