Learn critical thinking skills in minutes per day (or longer if you want).

Become a better thinker, writer, debater, decision maker.

Why reg­is­ter?

Critical Thinking Cap

It fits!

Short, tar­get­ed top­ics and activ­i­ties fit into small pock­ets of time. 

It’s fun!

Immer­sive and friend­ly deliv­ery guides you through with­out dumb­ing down con­tent.

It’s free!

Reg­is­ter today for access to no-cost, no-has­sle, no-pres­sure learn­ing.


ALL LESSONS ARE FREE FOR EVERYONE. Reg­is­tered users of Crit­i­cal Think­ing Cap can enroll in any les­son as long as they’ve com­plet­ed all of the lesson’s pre­req­ui­sites.  

Any­one can enroll in the “How to Take this Course” and “Intro­duc­tion to Argu­ments” lessons with­out hav­ing reg­is­tered, but their progress with­in each les­son will not be tracked.

Start here!

How to take this course

Learn how to nav­i­gate Crit­i­cal Think­ing Cap’s lessons, cours­es, quizzes, and web­site.


Introduction to fallacies

Under­stand, iden­ti­fy, and try to steer clear of some of the most per­va­sive (and per­sua­sive) fal­lac­i­es!

Analyzing arguments

Learn about dif­fer­ent types of argu­ments and how to eval­u­ate con­clu­sions and premis­es.